Security Management
Experience and competence.
The owner of VERITAS Investigazioni has been dealing with Company safety since 2001 and has experienced working for the most relevant Italian and foreign companies.
The experience he acquired is attested by keeping his international certification Asis CPP e PFSO up to date. VERITAS, upon client company request, provides consultancies to perform:
– Security Assessment: we assess the safety of your company thoroughly checking strengths and weaknesses, spotting the strategic assets and calculating risks and vulnerabilities in order to project the required countermeasures and implement them.
– Security Audit: we competently and professionally assess the quality of the security services implemented by your security partners to verify the legislative compliance to terms and conditions.
– Planning of Company Security Systems: we study the best solution of Physical, Logical and Procedural Security customized according to your needs so that you can protect your company assets (goods, processes, know how, information) with effective investments.
Our expertise in terms of alarm, video surveillance and protection will allow you to best invest your budget.
– Company Monitoring: if you make use of non-surveillance services, having established clear agreements with your provider that Grant you the best quality of service and a proper standard maintenance is important.
We assist you with drawing up proper terms and conditions, negotiating surveillance and door-keeping services the best way possible, allowing you to save money during time and to have a detailed contract that can allow you to keep high-level standard services from your providers protecting you in case of default.
– Drawing up company policies, Security procedures and operative instructions for: access control, goods and equipment control, inbox mail control.
– We offer consultancy to implement Personnel Security programs abroad, Crisis Management, Business Continuity, anti-violence Programs in the workplace, data Protection and many other services.